Growing up I struggled with communication as my expressive language was delayed.  I am very shy and not very talkative.  I love animals and I think it is probably because they are so loving and accepting of me. 

My business is administrated by my family who are very supportive but I am responsible for all the animal care because that is my speciality. 

I pride myself on my patience, kindness and competence in what I do and I guarantee your pets will be in good hands.  

I can call at your house and take your dog out for a walk during the day while you are working.  I can call in and let your puppy out/take them for a walk and stay and play a while while you're working.  If you have other small animals I can call in to take care of them while you are on holiday.

If there is something else you need regarding your pets, just ask me and I will do my best to help you.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Joe's Pet Care family ......

Just some of the absolute stunners I take care of.  How lucky am I?

I love my job!